About me...
I chose this picture for the background of my bio page because every time I look at it, it forces me to remember the moments that matter and to take in some of the natural beauty that surrounds us. The number of orbits around the sun we each get is very limited, and they go by so fast. You blink, and your children are teenagers. You blink again and they are handing you grandchildren. I'm always looking forward to each new adventure the future brings. But I also cherish the moments that make up my past.
That is in fact, what I do for others every time I look through a lens. I am helping them immortalize a moment in time. Many photographers are very talented at shooting things - nature, landscapes, architecture. That's not me. I love to shoot people. I've spent more than 4 decades studying the human face and form and learning how to bring out your best features. I love helping you look as good as possible so we can create memories that last a lifetime. And in a nutshell, it's exactly why I love what I do so much. I get to help others create memories. How cool is that?
For more than 40 years I have been honing the skills that help me make people and their ideas look good. I could bore you with a litany of productions I've worked on, awards I've received and famous people I've met or photographed. But here's the bottom line: my job is to make YOU look good - period. If it's portraits or headshots we're shooting, rest assured I'll do everything I know to bring out the best in you. If we're producing a video, my goal is to make you even more successful than you are today. Every time I sit with a client to discuss a project I bring a lifetime of experience to the table. I give you every ounce of my energy. And most importantly, we are both going to enjoy this experience and file it away as a wonderful memory as we prepare for our next orbit around the sun.